Μερικές ακόμη συνέπειες της "μουνδέρνας τέχνης". Της οποίας τα προβλήματα της ασχήμιας και της ακαλαισθησίας είναι πολύ ευρύτερα της θανατώσεως ενός ζώου. Για την οποία θανάτωση δυσανασχετούν πολλοί, αλλά κατά πόσο οι ίδιοι δυσανασχετούν και στην αποπνικτική ασχήμια της κακοτεχνίας που παράγεται εκ του ιδίου ρεύματος που ευθύνεται για τον θάνατο εκείνου του ζώου; Ή μήπως εκεί πρόκειται για.. "καλλιτεχνική έκφραση" που δεν πρέπει να καταπιέζεται μπλα μπλα μπλα.... ;
Αλλα από πού κι ως πού η "καλλιτεχνική έκφραση" θα πρέπει να βιάζει την αισθητική;
[Θυμάστε εκείνον τον καθηγητή της παντείου με εκπομπή στην τηλεόραση που είχει παρουσιάσει προ λίγων ετών την έκθεση κάποιου κακοτέχνη με θέμα "ιπτάμεναι κουράδαι";;!!
Υπάρχουν όμως και αισιόδοξες κινήσεις. Όπως του ARC:
The Art Renewal Center (ARC) is a private, not-for-profit foundation, that has experienced classically trained artists, art historians and scholars, whose judgement is based on years of experience and research, with expertise and standards for reviewing and approving schools, artists and ateliers that foster the classical tradition in art and are deemed worthy of recognition by ARC. Such recognition does not reflect in any way the support or accreditation of the United States Department of Education or any other governmental entity authorized to accredit educational programs or institutions. In fact ARC may be in disagreement with such institutions or agencies, most of which we believe have been warped or even over-run by Modernist ideology and theory. You should use our recommendations if you accept the principles, philosophy and mission of the Art Renewal Center.
ARC is the Eye of the Storm, at the core, hub and center of a major cultural shift in the art world. With a growing body of experts, we are setting standards to become ARC Approved™ for artists, art schools, systems of training, museum exhibitions and historical scholarship, to bring guidance, direction, goals and reality to an art establishment that has been sailing rudderless for nearly a hundred years.
Additionally, the Art Renewal Center is a non-profit educational organization committed to reviving standards of craftsmanship and excellence. Only by gaining a full command of the skills of the past Masters can we create the Masters of tomorrow. This is a step forward for our culture. Experimentation and creativity can only succeed and prosper when built on a solid foundation of past accomplishments, with the tools which empower artists to realize their visions.
Nothing has been more restricting and debilitating than the theories of modernism, which eliminated these tools, along with the skills to employ them. We are providing a forum for artists, scholars, collectors and the public to appreciate great art, and to recognize that they're not alone in their suspicions about the emptiness of modern and postmodern art. These suspicions are fully justified by the overwhelming body of evidence and historical facts.
For over 90 years, there has been a concerted and relentless effort to disparage, denigrate and obliterate the reputations, names, and brilliance of the academic artistic masters of the late 19th Century. Fueled by a cooperative press, the ruling powers have held the global art establishment in an iron grip. Equally, there was a successful effort to remove from our institutions of higher learning all the methods, techniques and knowledge of how to train skilled artists. Five centuries of critical data was nearly thrown into the trash ...
Countless thousands of talented young people for many years, have been sent to thousands of university art deparments to be taught by people who know nothing about the art of painting and sculpture. Countless millions of dollars have been wasted along with all that potential and talent, the best of which usually quit in complete disillusionment.